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Index of published papers

  • 04.张我弓, J. Schulze, and E. Kasper, "基于微缩雷达应用的硅基毫米波片上天线," 国家中文 核心期刊,中国科技核心期刊《现代雷达》Modern Radar,Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 42-50, Nov. 2019.

  • 03.W. Zhang, N. Li, E. Kasper, Z. Zheng, and L. Shi, "Impact Analysis of High-Frequency Material and PCB Fabrication Technology on Antenna Design for 77/79 GHz Automotive Radar," IEEE MTT-S, Asia-Pacific Microwave                                    Conference (APMC), pp. 756-758, Dec. 2019.

  • 02.W. Zhang, J. Yu, J. Schulze, and E. Kasper, "Improvement of Thermal Endurance for Integrated Millimeter-Wave Silicon IMPATT Device in Micrometer-Square-Scale," IEEE MTT-S, International Microwave Workshop                                    Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2020), pp. 1-4, July 2020.

  • 01.李男难,张我弓,郑子阳,史丽云,李智勇,余金中,Erich Kasper,“77GHz 车载近距离毫米波雷达”,中国电子学会(Chinese Institute of Electronics)主办,2020中国微波周,中国微波年会(NCMMW2020),微波毫米波雷达成像组口头报告,2020年9月23日。