
Provide professional comprehensive solutions in the field of perception

Smart Parking & Berthing

Smart Parking Pile

The statistics from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) shows that there was a demand of 300 million parking spaces in China in the year 2018. Meanwhile, the current mode of roadside parking cannot keep pace with the rapid development of smart transportation due to its high manpower cost, restriction by bad weather, high geomagnetic input, low flexibility, and high false alarm rate. Therefore, the AI-based intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs) and Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System (CVIS) go ahead of the market in the automotive industry in recent years. The NDRC predicts that the market for AI-based smart parking solutions will see a growth of 20% each year and is expected to reach 20 billion in 2021.

We provide the smart parking pile system based on the millimeter-wave radar and image recognition technology.

Key functions

Parking detection and determination:The system detects the approaching/parking/departure of vehicles, and distinguishes vehicles from bicycles and pedestrians.

Photo capturing:The system captures photos of vehicle license plates, and controls the lamp to make up for the dim light at night.

Vehicle license plate recognition:The system sends the photos captured by the radar to the cloud server to generate the orders.

Status indicator:The system determines the status of the parking space after the vehicle is parked. The status indicator for an occupied space turns red, and that for a vacant space keeps green.

Parking fee collection:The system collects the parking fee from a smartphone app which is connected to the cloud.

Call center:The system initiates the call center for fee collection of an unrecognized license plate number to avoid missed order.

System advantages

The millimeter-wave radar has excellent penetration, and is resistant to adverse weather conditions.

The detection angle of the radar reaches 150°, with one corner radar installed on one parking pile, which can cover the monitoring of two parking spaces.

The radar contributes to lower cost of the parking pile and better view of public roads.

The system can accurately determine parallel parking, drive-in parking, straight driving, and the like.

The power consumption of data is as low as 3 W, reducing the amount of computation on the cloud server.

Smart Parking Lot

Although an increasing number of large and comprehensive parking lots are built and put in place, much more time is spent on parking due to the complex layout of underground parking lots, difficulty to find a vacant parking space or the entrance, and unpredictable available parking places, which is disadvantageous to the development of smart city.

We provide the smart guidance system,based on overhead mm-wave radar and image recognition technology. Combined with CVIS scenarios, we can achieve intelligent management of roadside parking lots, unattended operation, and automated payment.

Key functions

Parking detection and determination:The system detects the approaching/parking/departure of vehicles, and distinguishes vehicles from bicycles and pedestrians.

Vehicle recognition:The system captures photos of vehicle license plates, sends the captured photos to the server, and generate the order.

Status indicator:The system determines the status of the parking space after the vehicle is parked. The status indicator for an occupied space turns red, and that for a vacant space keeps green.

Parking fee collection:The system collects the parking fee from a smartphone app which is connected to the cloud.

Parking space statistics:The cloud makes statistics on vacant and occupied parking spaces, and then generates optimized routes to guide vehicles to find vacant spaces nearby.

Autonomous car finding:The car can be easily located with a smartphone app.

Speed monitoring:The system monitors the driving speed in the parking lot and make an overspeed warning or penalty.

System advantages

The millimeter-wave radar has excellent penetration, and is resistant to adverse weather conditions.

The detection angle of the radar reaches 150°, and the detection range reaches 210 meters.

One overhead millimeter-wave radar covers the monitoring of 60 parking spaces, thus reducing the cost.

The system can accurately determine the vacant spaces and occupied spaces in a parking lot or roadside parking place.

The power consumption of data is as low as 3 W, reducing the amount of computation on the cloud server.

The system distinguishes passing vehicles from pedestrians and bicycles, greatly reducing the false alarm rate.

Info of the location of the parking lot, parking rate, and number of vacant parking spaces is uploaded to the cloud, which can be subscribed and viewed by the car owner.

The entrance and exit of the parking lot are designed so that the vehicles can pass by in a safe manner.

The real-time sharing of high-precision map inside the parking lot facilitates the vehicles to find vacant parking spaces.

The vehicle parks autonomously with the help of the sensing device and high-precision map, relieving the anxiety of the car owner.

Smart Berthing

The shipping industry is a pillar of the global economy, and there is a stock of more than one million ships in China. The busy shipping industry has a high accident rate. Among the marine accidents around the world each year, 62% are caused by human factors. Blind spots, navigation difficulties, and inexperience are the most common human factors, and are to be urgently solved so that shipping safety can be ensured.

We provide the solution for situational awareness in berthing applications based on the RF millimeter-wave radar technology.

Key functions

Anti-collision safety warning:•With millimeter-wave radar ranging, the system provides visualized warning for a range of 200 meters to avoid collision and grounding during shipping.

Berthing safety assistance:With auxiliary detection by the millimeter-wave radar, the system achieves smart berthing along the shore to avoid collision.

Load safety measurement:The system adopts 3D data perception detection horizontally and vertically to measure the load of the ship in real-time.

Solution advantages

Detection range reaching over 200 meters

Resistance to sea waves and corrosion

All-weather and resistance to rain or fog

Accurate detection and resistance to ship rise and fall

Accurate detection and resistance to ship rise and fall

Automotive-compatible reliability

NXP chipset